Monday, 13 August 2012
Starting the roadtrip: Budapest
We started Friday (10.08.) afternoon from Zwickau to Budapest... we didn't make it all the way... but simply wild camped 80km before Budapest within Hungarian country side - right below a wind turbine and clear starry sky :D
Saturday morning we drove to Budapest and walked through various parts of the city with best views from the castle hill... especially at night Budapest looks gorgeous. Unluckily a festival was going on and we couldn't catch any hostel within the centre and thus ended in a hotel rather outside...
Sunday we continued exploring Budapest: from central station to the beautiful city park... continuing Andrassy Ut until Elisabeth bridge... ending with another great view from castle hill^^ At night we then continued to Timosoara (Romania)

Saturday morning we drove to Budapest and walked through various parts of the city with best views from the castle hill... especially at night Budapest looks gorgeous. Unluckily a festival was going on and we couldn't catch any hostel within the centre and thus ended in a hotel rather outside...
Sunday we continued exploring Budapest: from central station to the beautiful city park... continuing Andrassy Ut until Elisabeth bridge... ending with another great view from castle hill^^ At night we then continued to Timosoara (Romania)
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