We arrived in Lisbon at evening (21.08.) and our couchsurfing host Marco welcomed us. Showed us the place and we went out to see some of the city. Within 1h walking through the city centre we were offered hash and coca 20 times. After visiting Lisbons city mark, the placa do comersio, we went through the bar district of Bairro Alto. After some bar hopping we couldn't resist to smoke a joint, that totally blew us off before we went home. The next morning (22.08.) we went by Tram28 to visit Alfama, Lisbons old town. Overlooking the city and visiting the less spectacular castle, we then arrived home and a CS family dinner was waiting for us, as Marco had about 10 couchsurfers staying at his place. Great food, nice stories and too much fun crowned by another bar hopping night at Bairro Alto. The next day we were totally wasted and stayed home until the next CS family dinner^^ 50% of the people changed as some where leaving and others coming by... the food was even better and we had even more fun. We partied at Marco's place until 3am before we went for a bar/club until 7am in the morning. Antoher day to wake up wasted, we went to see the hill town Sintra. A lush place, great to walk around and overall a nice getaway from Lisbon. Unluckily we arrived late and couldn't visit the castle, which is supposed to be a great one. Then we visited Belem, Lisbons version of Bethlehem. A charming place and we even could see the remnants of the sunset :P
From Belem we had a great view to Lisbon's version of the Golden Gate bridge (similar to the San Francisco one) and the Cristo Rei (similar to the Rio de Janeiro one)... yea Lisbon has it's own versions of famous buildings :P Back at Marco's place another CS family dinner was waiting... German night today, unluckily we came a little to late and only could help to prepare the dishes. It didn't take long until everyone was laughing again... 4 days of training for cheeks and liver :P
We said good bye (25.08.) to everyone and after 4 days we left Lisbon (initially we planned to stay 2, but Lisbon caught us like in an amazing trap^^)
Praca do Comercio |
Praca da Figueira - and the castle overlooking it |
Sintra's palace |
Belem's monastery |
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