Monday, 28 January 2013

Obergurgl and Innsbruck

Wednesday (23.01.) morning I started with my colleague Marianne to an EMBO workshop in Obergurgl, Austria. After a short sleep our train left 5:50am... right the first train switching failed when an ICE from Berlin did not arrive in Naumburg. They gave us a new route catching another ICE in Jena... finally we arrived 6:20pm in Obergurgl - too long for such a short trip :P
The organizers welcomed us and all meeting participants were very friendly. Great atmosphere when Professors, group leaders, postdocs and phd students share breakfast/dinner tables and even rooms. After just 2 days I felt like knowing half of the ~120 participants personally :) Like some family meeting :P
The conference schedule was tight... each day breakfast from 7-8... then 2 sessions of talks with 30min break in between... from 12-4pm free time to ski, sleep or hike (we did the latter two :D)... another coffee break before the evening session. Then 2 hours for a 4 course dinner before poster sessions were held till 11pm... quite exhausting after 4 days :)
Walking up to Schönwieshütte in city clothes was rather a challenge :P It was a true winter wonderland to enjoy in Obergurgl. Never thought I'd ever say this: Those snow capped Alps are awesome :D

The last day (27.01.) we started quite early and subsequently had 1,5h to sightsee Innsbruck. The city has not too much to offer, but the scenery with the snow capped Alps in the background was gorgeous. And so was the cold, blue sky sprinkled with jet trails^^

Walking along Obergurgl

Obergurgl - most of it^^

near Schönwieshütte

Innsbruck in front of the Alps - gorgeous

freezing cold, blue sky over Innsbruck - covered with jet trails

Sunday, 27 January 2013

Cara Cepat Hamil

Banyak pasutri-pasutri yang mendambakan momongan cepat setelah mereka menikah. Namun pada kenyataannya, beberapa pasutri justru mengakui kesulitan untuk cepat mendapatkan momongan.

Belum lagi lingkungan sekitar yang kerapkali menanyakan perihal momongan kepada pasutri yang sudah lama menikah namun tidak juga dikaruniai seorang anak. Hal ini tentunya menambah tekanan dalam rumah tangga seseorang.

Berikut ini adalah cara cepat hamil yang jitu, yang telah diterapkan oleh banyak pasutri dan terbukti keberhasilannya. Tips cepat hamil inipun diambil dari referensi medis yang telah teruji.

cara cepat hamil

Cara Cepat Hamil 1 : Tandai Kalender!

Bisa jadi kalender adalah panduan paling penting yang harus Anda punyai sebagai salah satu cara cepat hamil. Merencanakan waktu berhubungan adalah faktor utama untuk pasangan suami istri yang mendambakan momongan. Tips cepat hamil yang satu ini sangan penting mengingat sperma hidup tidak lebih dari 5 hari di dalam rahim. Oleh karena itu, melakukan hubungan dua hari sebelum masa ovulasi sangat disarankan.

Tandai kapan masa subur (masa menstruasi) Anda secara tepat sehingga Anda dapat mengetahui masa subur untuk meningkatkan peluang kehamilan. Ada beberapa teknik untuk mengetahui kapan ovulasi terjadi.

  •     Melalui sistem kalender
  •     Temperatur tubuh
  •     Pengecekan lendir serviks
  •     Alat penguji masa subur berupa strip yang dapat dibeli di apotek

Cara Cepat Hamil 2: Hindari rokok dan minuman beralkohol!

Rokok dan alkohol telah terbukti dapat menyebabkan impotensi. Mengkonsumsi rokok dan alcohol sangat tidak dianjurkan untuk wanita yang menginginkan momongan. Merokok telah terbukti menurunkan peluang seseorang untuk mengalami kehamilan karena mempengaruhi tingkat kesuburannya. Disamping itu, merokok dan mengkonsumsi alcohol  dapat mengakibatkan kelainan pada janin.

Tidak hanya itu, merokok serta mengkonsumsi minuman beralkohol juga tidak dianjurkan untuk para pria yang ingin memiliki momongan karena dapat menyebabkan menurunnya kualitas sperma akibat racun yang terkandung dalam rokok dan alcohol.

Cara Cepat Hamil 3: Konsumsi vitamin untuk kesuburan

Cara cepat hamil yang berikutnya adalah mengkonsumsi vitamin yang berfungsi untuk meningkatkan kesuburan. Vitamin C sangat baik untuk peningkatan kualitas sperma. Vitamin dapat diperoleh dari makanan yang mengandung zat penting untuk kesuburan ataupun dari suplemen terdaftar yang dijual bebas di pasaran. Untuk suplemen, pastikan Anda dan pasangan memilih produk yang terpercaya dan terbukti berkhasiat. Memilih produk yang salah dapat membahayakan kesuburan serta mengakibatkan kelainan janin.

Selain vitamin C, vitamin E juga dapat meingkatkan kesuburan seseorang. Zat-zat penting untuk kesuburan seperti asam folat patut dikonsumsi oleh wanita yang mengiinginkan cara cepat hamil. Nutrisi dari asam folat sangat penting untuk pembentukan janin.
Cara Cepat Hamil 4: Atur posisi yang tepat

Posisi misionaris adalah posisi yang dianjurkan sebagai salah satu tips cepat hamil. Dengan posisi misonaris, sperma disimpan dalam waktu yang lebih lama. Posisi woman on top tidak dianjurkan karena dapat memperkecil kemungkinan rahim untuk menyimpan sperma lebih lama.

Cara Cepat Hamil 5: Jaga berat badan

Berat badan ideal bukan hanya dambaan tetapi merupakan suatu keharusan bagi pasutri yang ingin memiliki buah hati. Kelebihan berat ataupun obesitas dapat menjadi momok bagi pasangan suami istri yang ingin memperoleh momongan.

Menjaga berat badan sangat penting untuk mempercepat proses memiliki momongan. Berat badan yang seimbang akan terhindar dari masalah kehamilan pada umumnya mengingat kelebihan berat badan membawa dampak yang negative terhadap tingkat kesuburan seseorang.

Tips cepat hamil diatas dapat diterapkan oleh pasutri yang mendambakan momongan secepatnya. Tak ada salahnya terus mencoba dan tetap berdoa kepada Tuhan untuk hasil yang terbaik. Kami juga mempunyai buku referensi panduan cara cepat hamil, silahkan klik gambar dibawah ini untuk melihat buku referensi cara cepat hamil.

Lirik Lagu One Direction - What Makes You Beautiful

Hari minggu galau baca Lirik Lagu One Direction - What Makes You Beautiful lumayan bisa menghibur.

You’re insecure
Don’t know what for
You’re turning heads when you walk through the door
Don’t need make up
To cover up
Being the way that you are is enough

Everyone else in the room can see it
Everyone else but you

Baby you light up my world like nobody else
The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed
But you when smile at the ground it ain’t hard to tell
You don’t know
You don’t know you’re beautiful
If only you saw what I can see
You’ll understand why I want you so desperately
Right now I’m looking at you and I can’t believe
You don’t know
You don’t know you’re beautiful
Oh oh
But that’s what makes you beautiful

So c-come on
You got it wrong
To prove I’m right I put it in a song
I don’t why
You’re being shy
And turn away when I look into your eyes

Everyone else in the room can see it
Everyone else but you

Baby you light up my world like nobody else
The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed
But you when smile at the ground it ain’t hard to tell
You don’t know
You don’t know you’re beautiful
If only you saw what I can see
You’ll understand why I want you so desperately
Right now I’m looking at you and I can’t believe
You don’t know
You don’t know you’re beautiful
Oh oh
But that’s what makes you beautiful

Nana Nana Nana Nana
Nana Nana Nana Nana
Nana Nana Nana Nana

Baby you light up my world like nobody else
The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed
But you when smile at the ground it ain’t hard to tell
You don’t know
You don’t know you’re beautiful

Baby you light up my world like nobody else
The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed
But you when smile at the ground it ain’t hard to tell
You don’t know
You don’t know you’re beautiful
If only you saw what I can see
You’ll understand why I want you so desperately
Right now I’m looking at you and I can’t believe
You don’t know
You don’t know you’re beautiful
Oh oh
But that’s what makes you beautiful

Gimana menurut kalian tentang lagu nya one direction ini ??

lirik lagu grenade bruno mars

Berikut ini hadiah lirik lagu grenade bruno mars di hari minggu ... :D

Easy come, easy go
That’s just how you live, oh
Take, take, take it all,
But you never give
Should of known you was trouble from the first kiss, Had your eyes wide open -
Why were they open?
Gave you all I had
And you tossed it in the trash
You tossed it in the trash, you did
To give me all your love is all I ever asked, Cause what you don’t understand is
I’d catch a grenade for ya (yeah, yeah, yeah)
Throw my hand on a blade for ya (yeah, yeah, yeah)
I’d jump in front of a train for ya (yeah, yeah , yeah)
You know I’d do anything for ya (yeah, yeah, yeah) Oh, oh
I would go through all this pain, Take a bullet straight through my brain,
Yes, I would die for ya baby ; But you won’t do the same

No, no, no, no
Black, black, black and blue beat me till I’m numb Tell the devil I said “hey” when you get back to where you’re from
Mad woman, bad woman,
That’s just what you are, yeah,
You’ll smile in my face then rip the breaks out my car
Gave you all I had

And you tossed it in the trash
You tossed it in the trash, yes you did
To give me all your love is all I ever asked Cause what you don’t understand is
I’d catch a grenade for ya (yeah, yeah, yeah)
Throw my hand on a blade for ya (yeah, yeah, yeah)
I’d jump in front of a train for ya (yeah, yeah , yeah)
You know I’d do anything for ya (yeah, yeah, yeah) Oh, oh
I would go through all this pain, Take a bullet straight through my brain,
Yes, I would die for ya baby ; But you won’t do the same

If my body was on fire, ooh You’ d watch me burn down in flames You said you loved me you’re a liar Cause you never, ever, ever did baby…
But darling I’ll still catch a grenade for ya
Throw my hand on a blade for ya (yeah, yeah, yeah)
I’d jump in front of a train for ya (yeah, yeah , yeah)
You know I’d do anything for ya (yeah, yeah, yeah) Oh, oh
I would go through all this pain, Take a bullet straight through my brain,
Yes, I would die for ya baby ; But you won’t do the same.
No, you won’t do the same,
You wouldn’t do the same,
Ooh, you’ll never do the same,
No, no, no, no

Silahkan dinikmati lirik lagu grenade bruno mars, By the way gimana komentar mu tentang lagunya bruno mars ini ?

Blackberry 10 Vs New Iphone 5

Saya baru saja melihat beberapa review tetang ponsel terbaru blackberry yaitu blackberry 10. blackberry 10 merupakan handphone yang sangat cantik dan stylish. Kali ini blackbeery 10 diadu dengan new iphone 5. oh ya, blackberry 10 mempunyai 2 varian warna yaitu warna hitam dan warna putih.

Blackberry 10 mempunyai layar 4,3 inch dangan resolusi 1280 x 786 dan 355 DPI sedangankan iphone 5 hanya memiliki layar 4 inch dengan resolusi 1136 x 640 dan 325 DPI. Blackberry 10 terlihat lebih stylish daripada iphone 5. Bagaimana pendapat mu ?

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Pasang Iklan Banner Murah

Jika anda ingin memasang iklan baik berupa banner ataupun site wide links/blogroll di untuk meningkatkan penjual produk anda bisa menghubungi  saya melalui email : budipandansari[at]

Paket Iklan Yang Tersedia :

Banner 250 x 250
  • Harga : 100 ribu/bulan
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  • Ketersediaan iklan : 2 slot

Banner 125 x 125 
  • Harga : 75 ribu/bulan
  • Iklan banner 125 x 125 posisi di sidebar
  • Ketersediaan iklan : 4 slot

Banner 728 x 90
  • Harga : 200 ribu/bulan
  • Iklan banner 728 x 90 posisi di header
  • Ketersediaan iklan : 1 slot

Iklan Blogroll :
  • Harga : 200 ribu/tahun
  • Iklan site wide links/blogroll posisi di bagian footer
  • Ketersediaan iklan : 8 slot

Ketentuan Pemasangan Iklan:
Materi iklan tidak boleh mengandung unsur SARA, Pornografi, kebohongan, provokasi, serta semua yang berlawanan dengan hukum yang berlaku di Indonesia

Materi iklan sepenuhnya adalah tanggung jawab pemasang iklan, tidak bertanggung jawab terhadap kritikan atau tuntutan atas materi iklan.

Pembayaran :
Pembayaran bisa dilakukan melalui bank mandiri atau bank bca
Bank Mandiri
No.Rek. 1440011209845
Bank BCA
No.Rek. 0481071690

Konfirmasi :
Untuk konfirmasi pembayaran dan pengiriman banner iklan bisa melalui email : budipandansari[at]

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Bisnis Google Adsense Tetap Menjadi Primadona

Bisnis Google Adsense Tetap Menjadi Primadona. Banyak sekali alasan kenapa masih tetap memilih adsense sebagai ladang sumber dollar walaupun adsense sering melakukan BANNED dan pendaftaran pembuatan akun nya sangat sulit.

Beberapa alasan tetap memilih adsense dari pada PPC lain seperti chitika, adbrite, infolink dan PPC lokal lain nya yaitu :

Yang paling jelas yaitu advertiser adsense sangat banyak, sehingga iklan adsense pasti akan muncul di website milik kita setelah disetujui menjadi partner publisher adsense tentunya.

Iklan yang ditampilkan adsense menarik, sesuai dengan konten yang ada di website/blog. Misalkan blog membahas tentang web hosting maka iklan yang akan ditampilkan tentang hosting. Nilai CPC adsense lumayan besar bisa mencapai $5 per klik.

Pembayaran adsense selalu tepat waktu pada akhir bulan, seperti gajian nya pegawai negeri. hahaha .....

Kelebihan yang paling menonjol kayak nya itu saja, untuk anda yang kesulitan mendaftar di google adsense bisa memakai cara panduan blogspot master untuk mendaftar disana, memakai teknik membuat akun adsense 1 jam full approve.

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Bangun Kerajaan Bisnis Online Sekarang

Belajar membangun kerajaan bisnis online mulai dari sekarang dari Blog Gratis. Kenapa harus membangun bisnis online ? Ingat, Jumlah penduduk indonesia saat ini 240 juta jiwa dan perkembangan jumlah pengakses internet setiap tahun nya mengalami peningkatan yang luar biasa. Bayangkan jika mulai sekarang anda menciptakan sebuah produk dan meng online kan nya, pasti 2 atau 3 tahun lagi akan booming.

Sebagai contoh saya sendiri mulai membangun sebuat produk digital yang saya namakan Panduan Blogspot Master yang berisi tutorial video tentang cara membuat blog gratis dan cara-cara mencari uang menggunakan blog gratis tersebut. Tidak itu saja, saya juga membangun sebuah toko online yang menjual produk nyata, yaitu Jual Genteng Tradisional. memang saya akui saat ini penjualan dari internet prosentase masih kecil sekali, akan tetapi saya prediksi produk ini akan booming 2 atau 3 tahun lagi.

Saya sarankan mulai sekarang anda menciptakan produk sendiri, khusus nya produk-produk digital.

Bisnis Online Indonesia Bakal Booming

Mungkin kata bisnis online sudah tidak asing lagi di telinga kita. Tak bisa dipungkiri, transaksi online atau yang biasa disebut e-commerce sudah menjadi tren saat ini.

Pertumbuhan e-commerce setiap tahunnya bisa mencapai dua digit. Contohnya dua situs besar ebay dan, yang mengalami peningkatan hingga mencapai angka 31% di Indonesia.

Meskipun di Indonesia e-commerce masih dapat dikatakan baru, perkembangan ke depan akan semakin bagus. Terlebih penetrasi produk telepon seluler sangat tinggi sehingga masyarakat Indonesia dapat saling terhubung dan semakin tanpa batas.

"Mobile phone sangat potensial di masa depan karena kita sangat sulit untuk menghubungkan ribuan pulau dan ini dapat mendorong perkembangan e-commerce,".

Peluangnya ada pada  jumah penduduk Indonesia yang mencapai 240 juta yang dimungkinkan untuk terkoneksi satu dan lainnya. Terlebih lagi, pengakses internet berjenis kelamin perempuan sering kali hanya menggunakan internet untuk chatting, Facebook, e-mail, Twitter, dan obrolan di jejaring sosial lainnya. Dan itu adalah masalah sekaligus peluang. "Coba pikirkan untuk membangun perusahaan online. Ini sangat potensial,".

"Coba kita hitung potensi bisnisnya, FJB (Forum Jual Beli) Kaskus saja transaksi setiap bulannya 1 juta lebih. Miisalnya setiap transaksi minimal Rp50 ribu, omzetnya Rp57 miliar,".

Thursday, 3 January 2013

NewYearsEve 2012/13: Bratislava, Budapest, Brno

In memory of our last years' NewYearsEve trip to Barcelona we were up to another great trip...  surprisingly, this years' trip excelled last years'... Danny and Tobias wrote a report already, and here is mine:
The trip started (29.12.) as chaotic as usual, always different tho^^ I started from Leipzig, picked up Tobias and Michael in Zwickau, then Ben in Mülsen and Danny in Dresden. So far so good... when you do a roadtrip, nobody can lose a ticket for a train/plane and if there is no train/plane/ferry/bus to catch, you - especially I - can be more relaxed when traveling in such a group^^ However, it wouldn't be us if we didn't manage to find ourselves in some funny situations... equipped with available navigation systems in 3 phones and 2 tablets we drove from Dresden to Bratislava. So it happened, on Prag's outer moterway, that I mentioned "from here on we should see signs towards Brno" what prompted Tobias to switch off the navigationsystem we used. Which wouldn't have been problematic if I had noticed^^ so I drove straight, waiting for the navigation to tell me if I needed to change direction. A hundred kilometers later the motorway ended and I recognized the error. Our copilot - Tobias - watching Sherlock Homes on his iPad meanwhile, earned a storm of protest. That is how our route got this funny shape:

our special way from Zwickau to Bratislava :)
In Bratislava Tobias organized our stay to be in the great Possonium Hostel - THE hostel from the movie "Hostel" :) Great ambient there! We arrived at the evening and so started with dinner at Pivnica u Kozla, cheap with good beers and great liquor after the meal^^ Some longdrinks and shots at KGB bar, Tequilas and some dancing at Radost before we went to the old atomic bunker housing the Subclub - quite an ambient... howerver, our way to the latter was rather staggering and included pissing from the ceiling towards the bus terminal and climbing over some building sites... well, we certainly are less well mannered when drunk :P
The next morning (30.12.) we enjoyed breakfast at Cafe Verne after it was too full for having dinner the day before. Then we wandered up to the castle and enjoyed the sunny vistas over Bratislava towards the end of the year.
view over Bratislava

From the castle back to the center :)
After another coffee in Bratislava we rode one of the electric busses back to Possonium and then our way brought us to Budapest - our place for the NewYearsEve :D Ben and I got us the Green Bridge Hostel (good one), situated close to Elizabeth bridge and the car we parked a bit further away for long term parking. As it was evening, we went to have dinner and chose a greek restaurant nearby... after garlic and uzo and still feeling wasted from the night before, we chose to have only a bar evening. A friend's tip led us to the Szimpla bar. A great choice! The greatest bar I have seen to date - it is more like a modern art museum :D
Tobias and Michael woke up early (31.12.) to do some sightseeing in Budapest. As Danny, Ben and I visited the city earlier this year, we chose to sleep long and then enjoy a superb breakfast with a famous Budapest chocolate at the excellent BARbar.

Good morning view of Budapest's chain bridge (by Tobias)
Then we slandered through the city and planned our evening. Unfortunately, Budapest was not to have a new years firework. But Micha had a friend, Anti, he knew from his stay at Siemens in Kuala Lumpur. He asked him about his plans and he said that he was having some pre-party with his friends at his place and would later go to a nightclub with all inclusive party. We got ready for drinking with dinner at a mexican restaurant and then packed some canned beer from the supermarket and the taxi was to bring us to Anti's place. Unfortunately, Micha did not tell us much about Anti and our imaginations of the setting were completely different from reality. It was 31st of December and thus quite cold in Budapest. We named the taxi the address and it drove its way... after some minutes we saw the town exit sign from Budapest: "where the hell is he driving us to?". Another few minutes later we were uphill some small outer village of Budapest with a great view towards the city. Additionally, one mansion after the other was placed there. The taxi couldn't go any further as the road was covered by ice. In front of a huge mansion Micha called Anti who told us to take the way up. High barbwired walls with security cameras covered our way. And Anti made fun of us at Micha's phone seeing us climbing the ice-slacked way - he had just redirected the security cameras to his iPad^^ At the door a small middle aged hungarian with beer belly opened the door, smiled and greated us "Hi, I'm Anti, come in and feel like home". Already the shoes at the entrance and the furs at the cloth hanger looked quite different from our belongings. When we walked upstairs into the kitchen quite a movie-like setting awaited us. The table was covered with furs, purses, money and watches - the usually belongings you lay off when entering :P Quite embarrassed we placed our canned beer next to the table. Anti introduced us to the kitchen, help yourself with whatever you need and feel like home. Besides all kinds of alcoholic drinks and legal drugs like painkillers, a young slim skin headed guy cramped over the kitchen counter and shaped some fine lines out of a stack of white powder with the help of a credit card. The audience was as diverse as one could imagine. To mention some: an older businessman accompanied by a young lady who saw some cosmetic operations already, a young entry employee from Ernst and Young, a man with his wife who is singer at Vienna's opera, Anti's brother who just happened to exit a room and button up his shirt when we entered and of course Anti himself - who owned some nightclubs including the one we would visit later. After our first impression shock we entered the small talk, had some drinks - including some of our beers, which were seen quite as a funny gesture - and the atmosphere was really relaxed. Ben and I speeded up and then we were to drive to the nightclub. An Audi drove first and 2 of the SUVs from the garage were filled with the rest of the guests. Ben and I in one, Tobias, Micha and Danny in the other - the latter driven by Anti himself. The driver of our car was fine, but Anti drove his car straight into a power pole. Well, he just had a laugh about it "the speed kicks in and I should be driving better then" ^^ We then drove to The Debut in the Cinema Hall with VIP entrance - of course :) The audience was all dressed up and it appeared that we were the only foreigners. I guess it is better if I don't write down all the things that happened that night... but be assured, it was quite a night :P
The scenery in our room the next morning (01.01.) was quite chaotic again. 11:30 the receptionist entered our room: "hey, wake up. You were supposed to check out at 11am!" - "uh, please just give us a little more time"... while everyone straggled to remember everything of the last evening and the stories differed quite some we started to get ready for check out. A few minutes later we reconned "has anyone seen Micha?". "Ehm, no idea". "Let me check latitude... oh, he is in Bratislava - moving fast". Seconds later a message reached my phone: "I went straight to the train as I have to work in Krakow tomorrow. I just happened to find the hostel key in my pockets as well as our remaining Forin - sorry. ". After everything was explained we entered BK for some heavy after drunk breakfast :P Then we took a taxi to my car - Capt'n Balu was to drive again, still drunk tho :/. Right in the car I missed my mobile phone - "damn, it must have slipped out of my pocket in the taxi". Well, a 2 million metropolis with thousands of taxis - any chance to find it back? The driver did not pick up the phone when we called and latitude did not send GPS information when the phone was not in use. The only chance: the taxi driver went back to the place we started. Jackpot! Good luck right the first day of the new year :P Danny and Tobias ran across the street, Tobias lost his cuddly cushion and chased it, meanwhile Danny received my phone from the taxi driver and we could make our way towards Brno - "hopefully no police will stop us" ;)

Ben enjoying the party
The way to Brno blessed us with the firework we missed in Budapest. Seems like the Czech have fireworks at the evening of 1st Jan :) In Brno our hostel was really good as well - one of the cleanest I have seen - we simply relaxed. Short walks through the city and some vistas from the castle. Our trip ended. A memorable trip for sure! I'm curious about the next adventures of Capt'n Balu (I), Sleeping Beauty (Ben), Speedy (Danny), Ödipus Schmu (Tobias) and the painless (Micha)... hahahaha :P

Brno center