Monday, 5 August 2013

Gdansk, Malbork, Torun, Poznan

Franzi and I continued our trip and drove from Sopot to Danzig (03.08.). It is a lovely hanseatic city. We slandered for several hours through the city, along all the amber stores. And we had much fun when running through a fountain and eating ice cream :)

Waterfront at the Motlawa river

Danzig's Neptune and the Lieschen that looks out of the window once a day
After Danzig we took another short beach time north east from Danzig. Later, we drove to Malbork to visit the famous Marienburg. The largest gothic fortress in Europe. The vista was stunning when the fortress was immersed in the golden late afternoon sun.

We then made our way till Torun where we stayed at PTTK Hostel, white an Eastern bloc feeling in and around it :P The next morning we slandered through the center, enjoyed breakfast in a cafè and later continued to Poznan. Both, Torun and Poznan, have really lovely city centers. Poznan is a bit bigger and offers some nice cathedrals as well :) We arrived back in Leipzig late at night...

Franzi in Torun's lovely center

Poznan's gorgeous and ...

pictures main square :)

Saturday, 3 August 2013

Poland's Baltic Sea

Wednesday (31.07.), Franzi and I started for a long weekend trip towards Poland. The plan was to go till Danzig (Gdansk) via Poland's coast at the Baltic Sea and to return through the old cities of Malbork, Torun and Poznan.
We finished work, packed the car and carried a passenger until Berlin and stopped first in Stettin (Szczecin). The city welcomed us with old suburbs of the Eastern bloc. Most people were found gathered around bus stops... however, the city center was more welcoming :)
View over Settin's harbor. Including the typical Polish tv program ;)

 We slandered around the city for about 2 hours and continued towards Kolberg (Kolobrzeg), where we arrived after 11pm... officially it was too late to enter the campsite, but the gatekeeper turned a blind eye on that rule and let us in^^ Before we went to sleep we wanted to see the sea. On our short walk there, we had a quite frightening encounter with a wild boar :o
The next day (01.08.), we went to Kolberg's beach for some sun bathing and swimming... unfortunately, the beach was so packed that we decided to drive further where we might find less crowded beaches. While leaving Kolberg, we saw a funny sign "Military Market" and decided to have a look... plenty armored vehicles, tanks, rocket launchers... also knifes, rifles, old army badges... whatever your military heart desires :P

Wanna go on a ride?

Let's play a game...
We somehow misjudged the time we would need to drive in northern Poland... ~190km in 3.5hours - sux! Thus, we arrived at Slowinskis National Park late (6pm). Still, we walked to see the largest sand dune in the park. It took us 2h to get there, 30min at the stunning scenery and 2h back... it turned dark on our way back and we were kinda surprised when a huge shadow appeared in the woods. I stopped and Franzi's recognized "look there"... something the animal (another wild boar, but as huge as a bear) recognized, grunted aggressively and started running... due to the bad visibility it took me some time to see whether it ran towards or away from us. Luckily it decided for the latter... not sure when I was that frightened the last time :/ However, we were lucky that the parking place was still open - it kinda appeared like they were waiting for us^^

Fun on the way towards the biggest sand dune

The huge sand dune makes it way into the forest and leaves dried out trees behind

Great sunset on the way back

Next, we looked for a place to stay in Leba, the city next to the national park. It appeared like a city festival and we enjoyed some meat from a entire grilled pig :). After they told us that all of the city's rooms were booked, we were lucky and found one^^
The next morning (02.08.) we sought to enjoy some more beach and sun. Well, Leba's beach was even worse than Kolberg's... never seen such a packed beach. Now I know why I usually choose less touristy destinations^^ Still, the Poles have an interesting system of creating some privacy within the crowd of people - they raise a fence and build their own little beach home :P

The worst view of a beach I can imagine...
We enjoyed some fruits from the stores, a little swim and an hour of sun before we continued to the Hel peninsular. There we stopped for another swim and sunbath at the bay side of the peninsular and later another sunbath and walk on the outer side. The latter is the much better choice - superb and lonely beaches. We decided to drive until Sopot, arrived at night and camped there :)
The next day we went to Gdansk...

Monday, 27 May 2013

Tutorial Bisnis Clickbank dengan Blogspot/Blogger

Tutorial Bisnis Clickbank dengan Blogspot/Blogger - Salah satu cara menghasilkan income dari internet adalah melalui bisnis Program Affiliasi atau Affiliate Program. Banyak program affiliate luar negeri yang bisa anda ikuti untuk mendapatkan komisi dari program tersebut, salah satu diantaranya adalah Affiliate Program Clickbank.

Program Clickbank kini banyak diminati oleh para internet marketer indonesia karena Clickbank telah "membuka pintu" bagi para marketer indonesia untuk mendaftar menjadi affiliate dengan alamat indonesia sejak bulan Maret 2009 lalu. Karena sebelumnya para marketer asal indonesia harus menggunakan alamat virtual office di luar negeri untuk berbisnis di Clickbank.

Sekarang ini adalah kesempatan emas bagi anda para pelaku bisnis internet indonesia untuk bisa meraup dollar dari bisnis Affiliate Clickbank ini. Income dari Clickbank dapat anda raih baik sebagai Affiliates (reseller dari produk orang lain yang terdaftar di Clickbank), atau sebagai vendor/ publisher (pemilik produk digital yang terdaftar di Clickbank).
Bisnis di Clickbank, baik sebagai affiliates (reseller) maupun sebagai publisher (pemilik produk) keduanya berhubungan dengan Produk Infomasi Digital, dimana produk digital adalah salah satu dari bisnis yang sangat menguntungkan di dunia antara lain karena:
  • Tidak Ada Biaya Produksi & Overhead (hanya satu kali)
  • Tidak Ada Tagihan (semua cash)
  • Profit Margin 90%+
  • Tidak Ada Resiko Rugi/Kalah
Tetapi sampai sekarang banyak marketer indonesia yang belum mengetahui bagaimana menjalankan bisnis affiliate Clickbank ini.

Berikut langkah-langkah dasar cara mengikuti bisnis affiliate di Clickbank:

    1. Buka Account Clickbank di
    2. Cari Produk di Marketplace (ada 23 Kategori besar)
    3. Cari Produk yang nilai sale nya minimal $30
    4. Cari Produk yang gravity nya dibawah 20-75
    5. Create hoplink untuk mendapatkan nomor reseler anda (hoplink)
    6. Promosikan affiliate link anda (melalui traffic gratis atau berbayar)
    7. Cek account Clickbank anda secara rutin untuk mengecek penjualan/ sales

Gampang kan ,,,, :D ?

Namun demikian pada prakteknya tidak sesederhana itu, ada tahap-tahapan lain yang perlu anda pahami supaya bisa mendapatkan profit, karena apabila anda menginginkan profit yang besar maka anda harus menjalankan bisnis ini juga dengan maksimal dan tidak setengah-setengah.

Dipostingan berikut kami akan berikan cara mendaftar sebagai Affiliate Clicbank dan Tutorial Bisnis Clickbank dengan Blogspot/Blogger

Tutorial Mencari Uang Lewat Amazon dan Adsense Pakai Blogspot/Blogger

Tutorial Mencari Uang Lewat Amazon dan Adsense Pakai Blogspot/Blogger - Buat anda yang sedang memulai belajar bisnis online pasti melirik bisnis Amazon dan Google Adsense, Kanapa tidak !!! Karena tanpa memiliki produk sendiri anda bisa menghasilkan dollar $$$ hanya dari membuat blog/website saja.

Bagi Anda yang ingin belajar bagaimana cara Membuat Blogspot, bermain afiliasi Amazon dan belajar Google Adsense, kali ini saya mau memperkenalkan sebuah panduan lengkap berupa video-video tutorial yang akan memandu Anda untuk memulai bisnis afiliasi Amazon dan Google Adsense. Nama produk ini adalah Seperti namanya, produk ini akan membuat Anda menjadi seorang master Blogspot yang bisa menghasilkan uang dari internet baik itu dari afiliasi Amazon atau Google Adsense. Selain itu, di panduan ini Anda juga akan mendapatkan tutorial Blogspot dasar yang akan digunakan sebagai media untuk menjalankan bisnis afiliasi Amazon dan Google Adsense.

Bagi Anda yang selama ini mungkin ingin mencoba Blogspot untuk bisnis afiliasi Amazon dan menjalankan Google Adsense, maka panduan ini adalah yang Anda cari selama ini. Bagi yang awam dalam menggunakan Blogspot tidak perlu bingung karena dalam panduan ini sudah ada materi-materi cara membuat Blogspot yang lengkap. Apalagi dengan menggunakan Blogspot ini setidaknya Anda akan lebih menghemat modal yang harus dikeluarkan karena platform Blogspot adalah gratis namun Anda bisa menggunakan nama domain sendiri.

Berikut ini materi-materi lengkap panduan Blogspotmaster yang sudah tersedia saat saya menulis review ini:

Panduan Dasar Blogspot :
  • Membuat Blog dengan Blogspot
  • Membuat Content di Blogspot
  • Membuat Blogspot Menggunakan email selain GMAIL
  • Persiapan Mengganti Template blogspot
  • Mengganti Template blogspot
  • Custom Domain blogspot
  • Optimasi Blogspot
Panduan Amazon :
  • Membuat akun amazon
  • Panduan riset keyword amazon
  • Panduan Scrap Asin amazon
  • Membuat manual blog amazon dengan blogspot
  • Trik agar blog tidak didelete blogspot
  • Membuat autoblog amazon dengan blogspot Bagian 1 dan 2
  • Cookies 90 hari amazon untuk blogspot bagian 1
  • Cookies 90 hari amazon untuk blogspot bagian 2
  • Find and Replace affiliate id amazon di blogspot
Panduan Adsense :
  • Membuat akun adsense dengan blogspot
  • Membuat autoblog High Traffik dengan blogspot (AGC Blogspot)
  • Membuat Landing page adsense high CTR dengan blogspot
  • Panduan Dasar Account Google Adsense
  • Panduan spin nama akun google adsense
  • Persiapan membuat akun adsense 1 jam approve
  • Teknik membuat akun adsense 1 jam approve
  • Tips mengahasilkan duit dari adsense
  • Update cara membuat akun adsense 1 jam full approve - UPDATE
Panduan SEO Praktis :
  • Panduan Dasar SEO
  • Riset Keyword SEO
  • On Page dan Off Page SEO
  • Cara Praktis Membangun Backlink
  • Trik Broadcast Backlink
Oh..ya, materi-materi di atas akan terus ditambah dengan update terbaru sesuai dengan perkembangan trik dan teknik tutorial blogger/blogspot terbaru, cara bermain Afiliasi Amazon maupun Google Adsense yang selalu berubah setiap waktu. Jika Anda member premium panduan blogspot master, maka Anda juga akan mendapatkan update terbaru materinya GRATIS.

Setelah melihat semua materi-materi Blogspotmaster, maka saya sangat merekomendasikan untuk Anda yang ingin belajar Afiliasi Amazon dan Belajar Google Adsense menggunakan Blogspot. Ok, jika Anda ingin tahu lebih lanjut serta ingin memiliki produk ini, langsung saja KLIK DI SINI.

Saturday, 30 March 2013

Ha Long and Hanoi

After our horror train we just walked out of the train station to have some breakfast (26.03.) at a nice little restaurant the Dutch guy from Dong Hoi recommended us (just opposite the queen mini hotel). Afterwards we hassled our way through to the bus terminal (which is really close, although everyone wanted us to take a taxi^^). Unfortunately, the last bus to Ha Long already left 3pm. So our plan to visit gorgeous Ninh Binh area by motorbikes was screwed. Troubles met by many travelers often untold for the sake of everyone... however, I'm to give you at least some details: this morning everyone was to find a solid toilet place, probably still due to the fish from the day before^^ After Ben, Flo and Jan rampaged the hotels toilet next to the restaurant we had breakfast in, Tob and I plagued a hotel near the bus terminal :P
The bus ride to Ha Long was not really pleasant, but they luckily stopped right in front of our hotel :) We went to the bay and had some overpriced beer before we went to book a tour for the next day and went to sleep - what we absolutely needed. Our next days tour was typically touristy... unfortunately, it is no good season to visit Ha Long bay... not many tourists, but no great vistas either. Still, Ha Long bay was impressive to see. And we enjoyed the boat ride along the bay a lot. Although, the boat look nothing like on the advertised picture and it would have been cheaper if we went to Hanoi and took a day tour from there - one is always brighter afterwards^^ It was a typical touristy route... entering a cave (lighted more like LasVegas, pleasant but unspectacular after the paradise cave), visiting a seafood farm, go to a small beach, go kayaking through some caves if you were willing to pay some extra cash, having some poor lunch and funnily modern talking as music in the background^^
not the best weather, but it was beautiful nevertheless
natural beauty filled with boats of tourists
the gang at one of Ha Long bay's beaches

Our bus ride from Ha Long to Hanoi the next morning (27.03.) led us through quite a traffic jam... at one time when our insane bus driver was to pass some cars again he hardly found a way back into line and nearly crashed into a truck that came against us. You know that you are REALLY in danger when the ticket guy from your bus opens the side door and is about to jump out. Luckily, we made it in the last sec :D We had to switch buses and the locals in the north were really rough and unfriendly... it led us to remember the stupid propaganda movies from Saigon... probably the northern people were truly engaged with the regime's thoughts. From the bus terminal a ride on taxis who's drivers had no idea about the city brought us to our hostel after we led them by GPS - thanks to modern technology :)
The day was young, so we went to explore the city. HaNoi's old french quarters are gorgeous and the city has a nice vibe. SIimply walking through the streets or sitting at a café lets you indulge the city's relaxed charm. Also HaNoi is filled with motorbikes even if not as much as Saigon.
Later we were to explore the city's nightlife. We planed to get wasted again dancing all night long... the plan had some hurdles tho^^ First we had a beer at the rooftop of our hostel. Tob and Flo were happy about all the backpackers around - even if it was 90% guys - while Ben and I were fed up by their talks. Australians were the worst as usual... they are truly embarrassing for mankind :/ We then continued to Finnegan's, Hanois irish pub... it was empty tho. We then made our way to a street bar close to our brother hostel and enjoyed some beers there. This is where we met the 2 Italian girls from Dong Hoi again - small world :) Right at 12 o'clock the police came with trucks, closed the bars and took any alcohol they could find... quite a party killer... it is law in Vietnam that bars have to be closed after midnight - only enforced in Hanoi though :P We were told that we only had to wait 30minutes and they would reopen - but they didn't as the police continued to be around. We were able to catch one quick beer on the second floor of some bar before we had to leave that one as well. So we made our way back to our hostel and hoped for the next evening.
The next morning (28.03.) Ben and I went to see Ho Chi Minh's Mausoleum and the museum next door. We were lucky as the queue was short. We forgot our cameras though to take some pictures from outside. All the Vietnamese going there were well dressed to greet their hero. He was well prepared in the mausoleum. At the museum next door, a young student took us on a small tour around the complex. She was truly enthusiastic about her national hero explaining us all the places he used - including his phone to reach the propaganda minister^^ I couldn't but feel a bit sorry. I mean I really believe that Ho Chi Minh was a man who sought to do good to his country and lived a spartan life instead of being greedy like many of the western politicians. However, not understanding economic systems and turning against a capitalistic system still cost the population of his country years of development and is one of the main causes why they are still stuck being a developmental country. Kinda sad to fail heavily with such good intentions. Later we met the other and walked again through the old quarter and then along the Hoan Kiem lake.
At the evening we went for the nightlife again.  This time we started early. First we entered some upfloor shisha bar as we got some flyer to buy 1 - drink 2 + free shisha :) The beer was ugly tho and we weren't really up for shisha. After 2 more cocktails and some pool with some black guy we left for the next bars. We entered the dragonfly bar where Tob and I talked to some girls. Then we opted the bar on the opposite of the street, already quite drunk some rich Vietnamese invited us for drinks. It was time for midnight again and the police closed the doors... now we ended in Phuc Tan, a nightclub located at right at song Hong river between the bridges. The club was recommended to us by the Dutch from Dong Hoi and some other travelers and locals as well. The Dutch and some other told us of naughty Hanoi girls who wanted to be with some foreigners and no hookers. Driven by that description and since all other places were closed we made our way there. It appeared like some underground club as all the area around was completely dark. Partying at the river with banana trees in sight was a great feeling tho^^ Unfortunately, it was not very packed... the stories of naughty girls were not false, but you got to be REALLY drunk to fall for these girls. Although, we felt really drunk - it still wasn't enough to pursue us^^ After a baguette next door we went back to our hostel. The next morning (29.03.) a taxi drove us to the airport were we flew to Bangkok and from there on to Krabi airport.

the gang explores the old quarter
look who's there :P

shisha and beer overlooking the street beneath us

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Dong Hoi and the Phong Nha cave

Our first ride on the sleeping train was ok... it was quite loud and not really late enough to get proper sleep. We checked into Nam Long hotel (absolutely advisable!) and wandered around to get some food... not easy as the town is kinda totally to sleep at midnight :/ We found a local street restaurant tho, where the people were utterly happy to house us as guests... a noodlesoup and beer later we were on pictures with them^^
We met a friendly Dutch guy who advised us to rent some motorbikes to visit Phong Nha paradise cave. And indeed it was way cheaper and a lot more fun than booking a tour :D The next morning (25.03.) we got a map, filled our tanks at the gas station and got some extra fuel in bottles following the Dutch's advice - and we needed it^^ 60 km and a lot of fun later we passed the police security without paying entrance and then climbed the way up towards paradise cave. The most amazing cave I have seen to date! absolutely huge and stunning... on the way out we met the 2 Italian girls we shared our room with... they obviously decided a little later to take the same route^^
On our way back we stopped for lunch at some local restaurant... they made us local fish - causing most of us diarrhea^^ However, the locals enjoyed having us there :) Going around the villages on motorbikes is hell lot of fun and not to miss!
On the way back Flo and I went to explore Dong Hoi on our bikes a bit and enjoyed the sunset of the river. Unfortunately, Flo's motorbike went out of fuel, so I went to get him some new... afterwards we found out that the fuel was ok but the spark plugs of his bike were defect :P
True freedom riding your bikes through these gorgeous mountains
our skinheads on their bike - poor engine :P
stunning paradise cave - massive!

the gang as explorers of the cave

natural beauty in this region
waiting for the fish soup and the following diarrhea^^
sunset over Dong Hoi's river...
all the fisher boats anchored.
Back at our hotel we emptied plenty beer, went for dinner with our Dutch friend and emptied even more beer... we got to know that the Dutch's girlfriend separated from him which is why he went on a several months travel. He started in Vietnam and stuck here quickly... after several days in Hanoi he arrived relaxed Dong Hoi, received a job in the language center and stayed there for 3 weeks already :D After all the beer we were ready to go with the next sleeping train towards Ninh Binh - at least we hoped so^^ The train surprised us as the dirtiest place I slept in during all my SOA travels (and I slept in quite some filthy places :/). We saw cockroaches climbing around. The blankets were dirty and the pillows stank... another sleepless night - Yay! ^^ It caused us some terrible laughing flashes though^^
Tobias hunting cockroaches in our train cabin :D

Monday, 25 March 2013

Hoi An and Hue

At the evening we arrived in Hoi An, searched a hotel for us and then just had dinner and beer before we felt for sleep^^ The next morning (23.03.) we explored the lovely city. Breakfast at the river and then simply strolling through the city... the Unesco world heritage bridge is lovely if small - and you can avoid entrance if you enter from the other side^^ The streets were colorful, peaceful Vietnamese riding their bikes, quite a lot of tourists tho - but that hardly vanished the city's calm flair. Craftsman working on the street, colorful markets, small temples... all in all a nice place - we enjoyed it a lot :)
In the afternoon we took a taxi to the beach - which was better than Nha Trang's! Good to linger at the beach again^^
the river of relaxed Hoi An
Breakfast with our fresh made skin heads^^

a lush and colorful city
want a fruit? I love SOA markets :D
Hoi An's southern beach

The next morning (24.03.) a bus brought us to Hue where we went straight to the train station to book a cabin for the sleeping train we were to take later. Then we left our luggage at a restaurant nearby the train station and explored Hue. We walked straight to the old palace complex. Unfortunately, Vietnamese government has little interest in preserving historic places. Even the Unesco world heritage palace rods... well, they started to give it a fresh painting at least - hard if you have to spend all your money on brainwashing propaganda :/
As we had plenty time left, we slandered through the city and explored some nice places :) Later we had dinner and plenty beer at the restaurant where our luggage was placed and we took some baguettes for the way on the train. They didn't last long tho on our way to Dong Hoi^^

the gang to place the luggage at a restaurant next to the train station^^
A pavilion at the old palace complex

The old palace complex

crossing in Hue's center and Flo talks to some locals^^
life on the city's river - we saw an old woman taking a shit just a few meters ahead :/

the gang found a temple to take a compromising shot :P
our baguettes didn't last long - but we enjoyed every bite as one can see :D

Saturday, 23 March 2013

Da Lat and Nha Trang - on Vietnamese sleeping buses

happy before the horror ride started in the sleeping bus^^
A crazy bus ride brought us from Saigon to Da Lat... although I didn't recognize much of it, as I was the only one of us who slept, the others told me about the horror ride :) We arrived early morning (21.03.) in Da Lat and were welcomed by the morning market. We chose to have a warm noodle soup and coffee at a nearby local restaurant and watched the bustle of the market. A visit to the tourist office helped us to organize another sleeping bus overnight to Nha Trang. But before that we took a taxi uphill and visited the Truc Lam monastery with its pleasant gardens. We found the cable car to be too expensive... but the taxi took us downhill to some park where we wandered around and listen a small waterfall while taking a nap^^ Most of the big waterfalls were not worth visiting at this time of the year as it was dry season. We then went back into town, had a small lunch and then caught the sleeping bus to Nha Trang.
Da Lat's morning market
the gang took an exhaustion nap in front of the tourist office (Tob, Ben, Jan)
finding our way to the bus terminal

From Nha Trang bus terminal we took a taxi to our hotel. It was still time to catch some dinner and to enjoy some beer at the beach - what we did :) Unfortunately, all of Nha Trang is packed with Russian tourists. Felt like an all inclusive package tourist spot in Turkey :/ The next day (22.03.) was dedicated to beach time - a whole day lingering at the beach, swimming and reading books :D Ben and Tob used the time to take account for a prior bet they made back in Germany and got their heads shove :) At the evening a bus brought us to Hoi An.
Nha Trang beach

Sunset from our hotel