Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Monaco and Cannes

Tuesday (25.09.) the EMBO meeting finished and afterwards Eric took me to visit Monaco :D The city is absolutely sterile and smug... but still the appearance is great to watch. We started at the oceanographic museum to the castle and enjoyed the views over the bays. Then we went to the famous Monte Carlo casino. But unless you are into spending quite some money, the town quickly becomes boring. Overall great to visit, although I wouldn't want to stay here for longer^^ On our way back to Nice we stopped at a hill for a night-view over Nice. Right on the last meters towards Nice's train station Eric's car broke down :( We pushed the car into a parking lot and I rushed to catch the train to Cannes. Luckily the train was late^^ In Cannes I stayed a little outside (la bocca) with Verena, a language teacher and soon to be mom. The next morning I entered Cannes, viewed the town and finished reading my book at the promenade savoring the sun, which I would miss in Germany^^ Well, it didn't last long as I was covered in a huge rain storm on the way towards the airport which left me all soaked :(
Anyways, Cote d'Azur is a great destination for a short late summer trip :D

early evening view over Monte Carlo
the royal castle
Monaco's football stadion literally glows when running after sunset :)
Cannes' palm

Monday, 24 September 2012

Nice and the 3rd EMBO meeting

21.09. I flew from Berlin to Nice to attend the 3rd EMBO (european molecular biology organization) meeting. Eric - a couchsurfing friend of Ben - generously let me surf his place. Right the first day he took me to the birthday dinner of his friend. The next morning I checked in at the EMBO meeting and suddenly had most of the remaining day free. So I first explored the city on my own... up the castle hill (Le Chateau) to have a good morning view over the bays and the old city... then a walk along the promenade and through the old city before I read some book at the promenade enjoying the sun :D Early afternoon I met with Eric and his friend Silvie, who had two couchsurfers (Stephan and Fatme) with her :) Together we explored the old city again and enjoyed some nice food. At the evening I attended the first lectures of the meeting and afterwards Eric and I met at Silvie's place where her son made dinner. Simply a great day^^ The next day (23.09.) I attended the meeting all day and had a party afterwards... exhausting and great day, although I felt very sorry to wake Eric late at night :/ Monday (24.09.) was another long day at the meeting before we met at Silvie's place for dinner again. Stephan and Fatme made Tortillas/Burritos and the best Tiramisu I had so far :)

Having a break just next to the conference center Acropolis
Spice store in Nice's old town
Small waterfall at Le Chateau

View over the old town and super long beach :)

Thursday, 20 September 2012

innocence of muslims

innocence of muslims. Di tengah terus kekerasan terhadap film anti-Islam, 14 menit "Innocence Muslim" video yang diunggah di You Tube dipecat bentrokan kekerasan kontroversial di Timur Tengah.

Pada hari Jumat, Gedung Putih meminta Google untuk menghapus upload terus menerus dari klip video kontroversial di YouTube yang memicu gelombang protes anti-Amerika di seluruh Arab.

Pihak berwenang menyalahkan bahwa klip ini adalah alasan untuk meniup kekerasan di Libya serta Timur Tengah, namun Google telah menolak permintaan tersebut dan menolak untuk mengambil ke bawah web.

Google mengatakan bahwa akses video kontroversial online adalah sensor di India dan Indonesia karena undang-undang lokal yang dianggap ilegal dan juga di Libya dan Mesir, situasi sangat sensitif dihadapi negara-negara di mana duta besar AS dan tiga warga Amerika tewas pada hari Rabu karena anti-Islam Film protes kekerasan terhadap konsulat AS.

"Ini video - yang banyak tersedia di web - jelas dalam pedoman kita dan sebagainya akan tetap di YouTube," kata perusahaan itu, jelas menolak permintaan resmi AS menambahkan akan tersedia di web.

Sesuai laporan, online kontroversial 14 menit "Innocence Muslim" video disesuaikan oleh Kristen Koptik, menggambarkan Nabi Muhammad sebagai penipuan dan pembunuh yang sangat tersinggung oleh umat Islam di seluruh dunia, sehingga anti-Amerika kerusuhan protes di Timur Tengah.

Sementara itu, YouTube dimana beberapa video ofensif dan menyenangkan seperti di-upload sebagian besar mengambil di bawah tindakan hukum banyak negara, meminta untuk memblokir jika ada keberatan. Namun keputusan terakhir yang diambil oleh Google tampaknya akan pergi untuk busur kontroversial terbesar yang dapat mempengaruhi media sosial banyak seperti para pejabat AS berusaha tindakan tegas terhadap itu untuk menolak order.

Peluang usaha budidaya jangkrik sangat menjanjikan

Usaha ternak jangkrik adalah sebuah peluang usaha yang pada beberapa tahun lalu sempat booming ini sempat redup, tetapi bukan tidak mungkin anda tidak bisa menangkap peluang usaha ternak jangkrik bukan?Meskipun usaha budidaya jangkrik diberitakan secara bombastis info peluang usaha nya pada beberapa waktu yang lalu dan pada akhirnya mulai meredup, bagi anda yang ingin mencoba usaha ternak jangkrik bisa memanfaatkan peluang usaha yang sempat meredup ini bisa kembali booming, kenapa tidak.Memulai usaha ternak jangkrik, alangkah baiknya bila jangkrik indukan nya berasal dari alam asli dan juga dalam keadaan baik dengan kata lain tidak cacat indukannya. Memang untuk mendapatkan jangkrik langsung dari alam sangat sulit didapat, untuk itu sebagai alternatif pengganti anda bisa membuat indukan tentu dengan perawatan yang lebih.

Peluang usaha ternak jangkrik bagus untuk dikembangkan mengingat dengan sering orang mengadakan lomba burung, karena jangkrik juga merupakan pakan burung itu. Harga jual jangkrik sendiri mulai dari Rp. 40 ribu sampai dengan Rp. 50 ribu per kilo gram nya. Coba anda bayangkan kalau kita bisa memproduksi 100 Kg Jangkrik , bisa dihitung berapa hasilnya .. Rp. 5 Juta / bulan , Sangat lumayan ya?

Usaha budidaya jangkrik sendiri minim kelemahan atau resikonya, karena keberhasilannya bisa 90%. Keberhasilan dalam penetasan dan pembesaran jangkrik juga sama-sama 90%, asalkan anda merawat jangkrik dengan sungguh-sungguh dan dalam pemberian pakan jangkrik tidak mengalami keterlambatan.

Anda berminat untuk segera menangkap peluang usaha dari info peluang bisnis usaha jangkrik? Segera manfaatkan jika itu bisa membuat anda usaha berhasil, tidak ada salahnya untuk mencoba. Semoga berhasil.

Saturday, 1 September 2012

Just For Fun

Seorang cwo yang lagi berharap bisa balikan sama ceweknya. Pada suatu hari si cowo sms ceweknya,
Co       : plis, tolong balikan sama aku lah, aku janji aku nggak bakal macem2 lagi.
Ce        : KmOe IthUe CueKidt Djiwha Thaue NgGak Sieh.. BuT gPp DueCh,,,, Akhue TeRiMha KamoE LHaaGhIe
Co       : Ga jadi balikan sama kamu deh klo gtu.
Ce        : #@~!@#%$

Ada seorang pekerja bernama udien. Pada suatu hari udin telat datang ke kantor.
Bos      : kamu kenapa telat, din?!
Udin    : tadi masalahnya ada kecelakaan mobil sama motor pak....
Bos      : HAH! Yang bener lu din. Dimana kecelakaannya?
Udin    : di sinetron pak
Bos      : @#!$!@~@#

Suatu hari saat di dalam kelas.
Guru    : lho?! Mana pekerjaanmu?
Udin    : lho bu guru ini bagaimana sih?
Guru    : apanya yang bagaimana?
Udin    : bu guru lupa ya kata pak uztad.?
Guru    : yang mana?
Udin    : kan kebersihan sebagian dari iman. Jadi buku bersih pun sebagian dari iman
Guru    : (-_-“)

Dirumah, adek sedang belajar menggambar.
Adek   : bu, aku hebat bisa gambar laba-laba.......
Ibu       : wah hebat. (belum lihat gambarnya) lho mana gambarnya? Kok nggak ada
Adek   : kan laba-labanya udah jadi spiderman
Ibu       : -_-

Dirumah lari sambil nangis nangis
Udin    : ibuuuuuu......
Ibu       : kenapa kamu nangis?
Udin    : ibu, tadi pas aku di ATM masak kartuku ATM di telen sama mesin ATM buuuuuu.....
Ibu       : lha terus ATM kamu sekarang dimana?
Udin    : dihatimu...
Ibu       : @#$~!@#!

Di depan muka umum
A         : saya DPR
B         : saya pejabat
A&B   : kami berdua TIKUS BERDASI

Pada saat pulang kerja, udin di hentikan di tengah perjalanannya
Preman            : hey lo tau gak kenapa semua orang yang disini liat gue nunduk?
Udin                : ga... ga tau bang <takut>
Preman            : lu bego ya, ya jelas semua orang nunduk kalo liat gue. Gue kan pendek
Udin                : ~#@!$~!%
Jono                 : pak ustad, saya tadi di warteg liat anak pak ustad sedang judi
Ustad              : astaghfirullahal’adzimm......
Jono                 : eh, tunggu dulu pak ustad.
Ustad              : ada apa lagi?
Jono                 : tapi, judinya menang pak...
Ustad              : alhamdulillah
Jono                 : -_-

Novi Sad and Zagreb

31.08. we left Belgrade and visited the fort of Novi Sad on our way to Zagreb... driving on the motorway again definitely was boring compared to the multifaceted places to see from the country roads. Near Zagreb we stayed at a camping ground and enjoyed our last BBQ this trip :)
During the night heavy rain arrived... all our stuff was soaked wet in the morning... it took us quite a while to somehow get moving... it didn't stop raining, even as we arrived in Zagreb... after an hour McDonalds stop used for internet-connection the rain finally lessened and we started a walk through Zagreb. The city might be nice, but we definitely didn't catch the right weather to enjoy it by any means :( Hence, we got in the car and drove home already, although we planned to stay one more day in the beginning^^
Despite the last day - Trip was amazing :D

view over Novi Sad and Danube from the fort
Marcus church after rain :P
fuck that weather! let's go home... ^^

Sarajevo and Belgrade

We started our day (29.08.) with breakfast at our hotel and then walked through Sarajevo's center. The market place was filled with people. Sarajevo truly lives up multi-cultural life style. It is inspiring to be around here. We then enjoyed coffee and Arabian cake in a cafè which was filled with young people. Everyone appears lively and cheerful. When walking around the city we still saw some demolitions back from the war. The minarets overlooking Sarajevo complete the city's flair. We also visited the famous latin stone bridge where prince Ferdinand was shot - final reason to start the first world war.
From Sarajevo we drove all the way to Belgrade, along the Drive river with its stunning landscapes. We crossed it in Visegrad and subsequently crossed the border towards Serbia. The friendliest border patrols we had on all our trip :) All the mountains around Balkan result in awesome landscape. The road towards Serbia was similar. After sunset we finally arrived in Belgrade and found an awesome hostel (Parliament). Later in the city center, Vapiano was the only open restaurant which still served food after midnight :( We then checked out the floating clubs at Sanau river from where you have a great view at Belgrade. But all the clubs are with reservation only - so is most of Belgrade's nightlife as we will learn :o
The next day we walked through the city. Breakfast near the food market and then towards the castle. The castle's park is great and makes for some beer at early afternoon before we saw Serbia's military remnants at the castle entrance. The castle is right at the city's edge where Sanau meets Danube (Donau). Nice view over the river valleys. Bought some postcards and wrote them in a cafè in the center. After some chill out time at our apartment and some dinner we tried our luck again in Belgrade's famous nightlife. This time we were more lucky in Soho Republic club... it needs reservation but Ben's smile was sufficient to get us in. Rather an after business club... music was nice, but nothing special. After seeing this and the floating river clubs the day earlier we are disappointed by Belgrade's nightlife. Well, at least it had the most beautiful women walking through town :D

Sarajevo's main square

the latin bridge - place of the assassination of prince Ferdinand - start of World War I

remnants of the war

bridge at Visegrad over Driver
sunset in Serbia - serpentines again^^

macabre ads in Belgrade

remnants of Serbia's military affection

overviewing Sanau joining Danube from Belgrade's castle