Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Helsinki and Tallinn - a long weekend^^

Ben and Tob went to see the ice-hockey world-cup in Sweden and Finland. After they visited Linköping, Uppsala and Stockholm in Sweden they went to see Naantalia, Turku and Tampere in Finland before I joined them in Helsinki. When my plane arrived about 2am in the morning (17.05.) Ben and Tob were already drunk after partying with 8 Finish girls :P No way I could drink so much within an hour... so I endured it^^ Our CS hosts Anni and Mia were super friendly and generous girls. We met their friends for party in a theater, where they had access due to their work... great setting to party :D The next morning (or afternoon) Mia showed us some tourist attractions... Sibelius park, Nicolai church and the harbor.  Later Anni joined us and we prepared some nice dinner all together. After some conversations about cultural differences we booked our ferry and hostel for Tallinn... as everyone was exhausted from the day before we went to bed early.
The next morning we woke up late... started even later as we all enjoyed a coffee and baguette before we ran to the tram... it didn't help much as we had to run 20min through Helsinki city to catch our 8am ferry :P We made it last minute and relaxed on our ride towards Tallinn.
Tallinn welcomed us with sunshine right away... what a beautiful city! After we've been rather disappointed by Helsinki's appearance and high prices, Tallinn surprised us as lovely, cozy and considerably low cost city. Huge parts of the old city walls are intact, it has plenty cozy churches and the hanse style houses are simply lovely. After dinner 9 beers and a bottle of rum prepared us for a party night^^ First another beer in a bar before we went to Hollywood club... 23 beers, 4 cocktails, a few dances and talks later the club closed at 5am... another 4 beer helped us to get to sleep... no wonder I suffered hangover the whole next day :(
The next day (19.05.) we continued to enjoy the lovely center of Tallinn before we watched the champions league final... the result degraded our party mood... the next day (20.05.) we went back to Helsinki... already the ride on the ferry gave me a sunburn before we enjoyed a nap in front of the Russian church and another one in Kaisaniemen park. We discovered even some nice buildings next to all the Stalinistic ones :D The ice-hockey final left us with our 7eur beers when Russia bet Slovakia... we cheered for Slovakia to see the small and charming country win... but Russia been simply the better team... finally we took a nap at the airport before our flight left early morning (21.05.) back home...

3 more organ pipes at Sibelius monument^^

view over Tallinn towards the sea

view over Tallinn towards the business center

mama seagull taking care of her kids on Tallinn's roofs

charming corners everywhere in Tallinn's old town

on the old city wall

a lot of tourists all over the city... next to the city hall was their main spot :P

Russian church in Helsinki... the most beautiful sight of the city and a good spot for a nap^^

Saturday, 5 May 2012

Solusi Akun Google Adsense Kena Banned

Melihat judul nya saya kok jadi ketawa ya !!! " Solusi Akun Google Adsense Kena Banned " wakakakaka ... memang nya ada ya Solusi Akun Google Adsense Kena Banned ?? yang pasti ada kawan,,,, kalau tidak ada ya gak mungkin saya buat judul artikel seperti ini.

Gimana sih solusi nya jika akun adsense kita dibanned ??

Solusi 1 : Ini langkah yang paling cepat dan kemungkinan balik hanya 10%, yaitu minta banding kepada google adsense. Untuk minta banding silahkan klik saja link yang ada pada email banned akun kawan. Nanti akan dibawa kehalaman naik banding.

Solusi 2 : Gak usah berfikir panjang, setelah akun adsense dibanned langsung saja membuat akun yang baru dengan nama dan alamat yang baru. Ingat ... dalam pembuatan akun baru sebaiknya menggunakan semua data yang baru, jangan menggunakan data-data akun mantan banned. Kalau gak bisa buat sendiri langsung saja beli ke jasa pembuat akun google adsense.

Solusi 3 : Cari alternatif PPC lain selain google adsense. Nah,, disini pasti kawan bertanya, PPC apa yang paling recommended selain google adsense ??? PPC yang paling TOP dijajaran atas yaitu 1. Google adsense >> 2. Chitika >> 3. infolink >> 4. bidvertiser >> 5. KumpulBlogger ... :D ,,,, ini hanya versi saya saja lho... beda lagi dengan temen temen yang lain nya.

Ok, sekian dulu ya Solusi Akun Google Adsense Kena Banned, lainkali kita bahas tips yang lain.

Tips Bisnis Google Adsense yang Efektif

Halo kawan-kawan, jumpa lagi di postingan saya yang terbaru dengan judul " tips bisnis google adsense yang efektif " :

Step 1 : Kawan gak usah berfikir panjang, jika pada waktu mendaftar/membuat akun baru google adsense selalu ditolak, kawan langsung saja beli ke jasa pembuat akun google adsense. Harga masih terjangkau kok, di tahun 2012 ini harga setiap jasa akun google adsense bervariasi mulai dari 80.000 sampai 250.000 tergantung dimana tempat beli nya.

Step 2 : Membuat blog sebanyak-banyaknya, ideal nya 1 akun google adsense dipakai untuk 50 blog ke atas. Kenapa kok sebanyak itu ?? pasti kawan-kawan bingung ya?? Makanya praktek, jangan cuma membaca, nanti juga tahu sendiri.

Step 3 : Optimasi salah satu blog kawan yang kira-kira ke depannya mempunya prospek bagus untuk mendapatkan banyak pengunjung. Optimasi bisa dari membuat artikel yang berkualitas (SEO on Page) dan memberikan backlink yang berkualitas pada blog (seo off page)

Step 4 : Mencairkan gajian pertama google adsense di WU western union >> bisa di pegadean, indomaret, kantor pos dan agen2 WU yang lain nya.